With Spring in the air, gardeners are getting excited to plant this year's gardens and blossoms. Great seeds make great plants if you provide the right growing conditions. Some climates are easier to grow seeds in than others, but almost all seed catalogs are now also available online, making window shopping easy. From Garden Design Magazine, some catalogs they suggest include:
1. Territorial Seed Company (800/626-0866; territorialseed.com)
2. Native Gardener's Companion, Prairie Moon (866/417-8156; prairiemoon.com)
3. Johnny's Selected Seeds (877/564-6697; johnnyseeds.com)
4. Fedco Seeds (207/873-7333; fedcoseeds.com)
5. Hudson Valley Seed Library (845/204-8769; seedlibrary.org)
6. Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds (417/924-8917; rareseeds.com)
7. John Scheepers Kitchen Garden Seeds (860/567-6086; kitchengardeenseeds.com)
8. Southern Exposure Seed Exchange (540/894-9480; southernexposure.com)